Novotel Stevenage

General hotel information

Novotel Stevenage Hotel is located on Junction 7 of the A1M within the grounds of Knebworth House. The hotel offers 102 guestrooms, Contemporary restaurant and meeting and function space for up to 180 delegates. We have recently spent £3.5million on a full Hotel refurbishment, completing all 102 bedrooms, Fantastic new restaurant, Comfortable Lounge for Business or Leisure and our Reception area. Full Hotel completion is set for July 2016 and will see the hotel re-launched as a 4 star hotel.

Conference centre and meeting room information

Private restauration available, length 5.8 m, width 10 m, access door for material, air-conditioned, daylight, black-out.

Conference rooms (if provided by the hotel)

Name m2
Warburton Suite 58 23 23 23 30 40
Robinson Suite 58 23 23 23 30 40
Stucley Room 24 10 12
Plowden Room 24 10 12
Lytton Suite 174 70 65 80 130 150
Cobbold Room 56 22 22 23 30 40
Bulwer Suite 58 23 23 23 30 40

Knebworth Park
SG1 2AX  Stevenage

Conference rooms:
6 / 452
Largest conference room:
150 / 174
Smallest conference room:
12 / 24