Novotel Paris Rueil Malmaison

General hotel information

Located just a few miles from the capital, choose the Novotel Paris Rueil Malmaison hotel. Fourteen modular meeting rooms are available to help ensure a successful business trip. For a romantic weekend or a family getaway, relax in the comfortable rooms with their sleek design. Sample French cuisine in the restaurant and unwind at one of the musical evenings. Whether you\'re exploring the Château de Malmaison or shopping on the Champs Élysées, enjoy a relaxing trip to Paris at Novotel.

Conference centre and meeting room information

Naturally-lit space for cocktail parties

Conference rooms (if provided by the hotel)

Name m2
Van Dongen 50 15 15 15
Moreau 3 80 32 30 45 60 70
Verriere 80 80
S.a.s 35 8
Derain 1 + 2 90 36 34 60 70 80
Manguin 28 12 10 20
Moreau 2 80 32 30 45 60 70
Moreau 2 + 3 160 52 50 85 120 130
Delaunay 14 6 4 10
Derain 1 45 18 16 30 30 35
Salon Club 45 22 20 16 35
Marquet 45 16 14 20 25
Moreau 1 + 2 155 52 50 85 120 130
Moreau I 75 32 30 40 60 65
Moreau 1 + 2 + 3 235 72 70 120 200 210
Dufy 75 32 30 40 60 65
Eureka 60 15
Derain 2 45 18 16 30 30 35
Braque 20 12 10 14
Amphitheatre Agora 205 55 45 100 110 200

21 Avenue Edouard Belin
92500  Rueil Malmaison

Conference rooms:
15 / 1622
Largest conference room:
210 / 235
Smallest conference room:
10 / 14