Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Paris)


General hotel information

Ideal for business or pleasure, Evergreen Laurel Hotel**** is located within easy reach of La Defense business district and all the major Paris landmarks. The hotel features large well-appointed guest rooms and a selection of quality meeting options.

Conference centre and meeting room information

The Hotel oofers 640 sqm of meeting rooms, all multipurpose, soundproofed and air-conditioned. Meeting, Day delegate Package, Residential Seminar, Cocktail, Lunch, Dinner or other personalized events. Ideal capacity for day delegate package or residential seminar. Maximal capacity for basic meeting (without catering): 450 persons in theater style or cocktail and 200 persons for a day delegate package

Conference rooms (if provided by the hotel)

Name m2
EVERGREEN I+II+III+ IV 45 450 170 300 360 450
EVERGREEN I+II OR II+III OR III+IV 45 200 51 144 192 200
EVERGREEN I+II+III OR II+III+IV 45 380 132 180 288 380
EVERGREEN I 45 100 40 72 80 100
EBENE I 14 35 15 21 24 35
CHENE I+ II 12 80 34 63 72 80
CHENE II 12 45 21 27 36 45
EVERGREEN II 45 100 40 72 80 100
EVERGREEN III 45 100 40 72 80 100

8 Place Georges Pompidou
92300  Paris

Conference rooms:
Largest conference room:
Smallest conference room: